Drinkable Water

Thinking out loud...

You may have plenty of good drinkable water where you live, but so many locations do not. Never fear, the profiteers are ready to assist you…for a price of course.  In some places, water is now more costly than an equal amount of gasoline. How strange is that?  Stories abound about someone, or a group of someones controlling the weather to make drought conditions. I have no knowledge of that, so I will just let it be a thought in the wind for now.  You can do your own research on that issue if you so desire.  However, if I were the evil overlord of the world, I would buy up all the water rights, and then start causing droughts. Sound too far fetched? Well the Internet is rife with information about this very thing happening right before our eyes, or so it seems. Here are some links that support those suspicions.

Link to Water Barons

Link to Water Grab

Link to Coca Cola Page

If you care to know more, do a web search for: Who is buying up all the water rights in the world.

It would be a great story were it simply a case of a benevolent company coming to the rescue, but I wonder if maybe something more sinister is afoot. If you can help clarify this situation, please share your information here.

