Technology Commentary

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The avalanche of exciting scientific and technological advancements in the USA, which peaked in the 1960s, suddenly seemed to slow down in the 1970s.  Unlike the prelude to the moon landing, technology seemingly quit being front and center in the news of the day.  Outwardly, technology seemed to have also lost its status in the hallowed halls of the U.S. Congress as well.  Funding for exotic, but useful research projects like the Super Collider, and other worthwhile research projects appeared to dry up.  This situation led to the USA sliding from the top of the technology totem pole to a lower level.  

Apparently we have now passed through the “drought years,” and technology, is often front page news again.  Advancements in Artificial Intelligence have given us machines that seem to have human-like awareness, and space exploration led by several civilian companies is roaring again.   We are back to reaching for the stars.

Thankfully, Science and technology appear to be alive and well in the USA, and around the world as well.   There seems to be a worldwide technology race, and the USA does not appear to be winning in all categories as was often the case in the past.   No matter the source, the entire planet could benefit from some emerging technologies, and what is being created today is in some cases beyond our imagination.  

I intend to use this forum to share with you what I encounter in the world of science and technology.  I feel that it is important that we all understand the potential of technology to present a desirable future for all of us. 

Your suggestions and comments are invited. 


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