The Telescopes of Mt. Graham – Part 2


After exiting the van, our guide, John showed us just how close the fire came to destroying the telescope complex. That must have been a very scary time on the mountain. After the welcome to Mt. Graham briefing, he took us inside the Vatican advanced technology telescope (VATT) complex owned and operated by the Catholic church. It is a place that allows the Jesuit astronomers to observe the heavens in comfort. Unlike yesteryear, astronomers no longer stand below a telescope and look through an eyepiece. Now when it is freezing outside, they sit in toasty warm comfort and view the heavens via their computer screens.

There are several computer screens inside the VATT complex that can display images coming directly from the telescope so the days when an astronomer must brave the cold to see the heavens are found only in the history books. Today a warm room with some hot coffee or tea, and maybe even some ethereal music is the recipe to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.

John provided us with unfettered access to every part of the VATT complex. He is a highly trained engineer and he presented complete information about the telescopes. His tour was more like a master class on how telescopes, and everything else on the mountain works. In addition to presenting an excellent class on the operation of the telescope, he showed us the other aspects of the operation, including the living quarters, and support facilities. During the lunch break on the way up the mountain, he told us that the bedrooms were small. Ha…they were truly as small as he told us they were. I am a former sailor, and quite used to small sleeping quarters, so I was ready to move right in. Of course, I am neither an astronomer, nor a Jesuit, so I will not likely ever have that experience.

The walls of the living quarters are adorned with beautiful photos of objects in space that were no doubt captured from the computer screens. Some of the world’s most dramatic photographic images are taken by astronomers. They are among the best photographers on the planet.

After touring, and examining the living quarters, we take the elevator up to view the telescope. It was impressive, and standing below it, my perceived kinship with the astronomers started to deepen. I do not have their scholarship, but I do have their interest. Throughout the entire day, John presented a splendid nonstop presentation on the hardware and the operation of the telescopes. He even told us a bit about the mission. However, as good as it was, it just scratched the surface of something as big as—well, as big as the universe.

I was happy that I have a decent background in things astronomical. The tour allowed me to reconnect with my knowledge of astronomy and having that background made John’s presentation even more meaningful. Nevertheless, after about an hour into the tour, my brain went into overload. Nevertheless, the geek that I am wanted more, and I got it.

The work that the Catholic Astronomers are doing on Mt Graham is yielding knowledge about our universe. It seems as if they are looking for life in the cosmos. One (unnamed) source told me that among other things they were looking for God. I find that very interesting but have no idea if that is a stated part of their mission. However, it would not be surprising if it is.

After a thorough explanation of the telescope that towered above us, the tour of the VATT facilities was complete. Now it was time to move on to experience what I had come to see. The Large Binocular Telescope.


When we look through a telescope, we are looking back in time. I have, on occasion, referred to space as the great cosmic lie laid out above us, and it is. To varying degrees what we see does not exist in the way we see it. For example, a star 100 light-years away could have vanished 50 of our years ago, and we would not know it because the light we see from that star is still traveling to the earth from 100 years ago. We would not see it disappear until 100 years after the event, so strictly speaking what we experience as “real-time,” is a lie.

When John took us into the giant room that houses the LBT, we were awed by the majesty of the machine. Thanks to him, the introduction to the telescope was even greater than I had expected. John is now retired, but at one time he was the director of the Mt. Graham International Observatory. His knowledge of the LBT, as well as the two other telescopes on Mt. Graham, is impressive. I came for a simple tour of the giant telescopes, but the tour turned into a master class on the telescopes and how they are used.


Looking at space in the infrared spectrum reveals things that we cannot see because of the limitations of our eyes. By using an infrared device, one can see sights not visible in the normal light spectrum. It also produces photographic images not available using typical optical telescopic photography. The device that accomplishes that on the LBT is was originally named LUCIFER.

LUCIFER (Pronounced LU-CI-FER) is an acronym for Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research. Please remember this because it will be on the test. However, the name LUCIFER was considered to have a negative connotation, so the device is now referred to as LUCI. For the technically minded among us, I will present an in-depth explanation at another time. For the rest of us here’s the deal.

Astronomers have known for years that looking into space with an optical telescope does not present the entire picture. Therefore, to reveal or enhance what they can see with traditional telescopes, they started scanning the skies in the infrared spectrum. In some respects, it is now the spectrum of choice. Simply stated, an infrared telescope is a telescope that uses infrared light to examine celestial bodies. It is an incredible tool for astronomy.

Infrared light is one of several types of radiation present in the electromagnetic spectrum. All celestial objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit some form of electromagnetic radiation. To study the universe, scientists use several different types of telescopes to detect the different types of emitted radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. Some of these are gamma-ray, x-ray, ultra-violet, and infrared telescopes. While that sounds and is somewhat esoteric, the discovery of infrared radiation goes way back to 1800 when William Herschel discovered infrared radiation. Like all scientific discoveries, advancements, and discoveries made along the way, LUCI is an indispensable tool for the astronomers that use the LBT.

Have you ever had an instance in your life when you saw something, then immediately exclaimed: Did I just see that? Of course, you have. To have a guaranteed “did I just see that” experience, do the following.

On a pleasant summer night go out in your backyard, or someplace away from lights and with some soft (dry) grass. Take a pair of binoculars with you, as well as a pair of infrared binoculars. (spoiler alert…infrared binoculars are crazy expensive. ) Lie down on your back and scan the sky with the regular binoculars. Now repeat the process with the infrared binoculars. What you will see will not just amaze you, it will blow your mind. You will wonder what’s going on up there. You won’t believe your eyes. Human eyes are really good for some things, but they are, by design, limited in some respects.

Usually, Arizona is very hot and very dry, but when the rains finally come they can be very heavy. Rain affects astronomical observations, and cloud cover of any kind prevents optical astronomy. September in Arizona is known for heavy cloud cover and rain. The time of heavy rain is known as the “monsoon season.” On my first night in Safford, Arizona, the closest city to Mt. Graham, it rained very hard. I loved it because after spending the summer in a high desert, it was the first rain that I experienced in three months. I live in the tropics of Central America, so I am accustomed to rain.

Everyone associated with the telescopes on Mt. Graham understands that during the monsoon season, viewing is not usually possible. Consequently, the astronomers take this time to return to their respective communities around the world. While in Arizona, I did interact with some astronomers, but on the day of my visit, there were no astronomers on the mountain. I was disappointed about that because I wanted to speak with an astronomer at the LBT. The monsoon time is used to make adjustments to the telescopes and the support equipment, so I did get to speak with a couple of the technicians there. Two days later when I visited the astronomical complex on Kitt Peak, which is also in southern Arizona, I did have the chance to speak with some real-life astronomers there. That was eye-opening, and a bit frightening. Don’t ask.

The complex on Mt. Graham is a lot like a small town. It has the same needs as every small town, but it is quite remote, and it exists with a unique set of restrictions. Some of them are fascinating, like the complex being surrounded by an endangered Red Squirrel habitation. That would be strange enough, but life in any remote location differs from life in a city.

Like any other community, Mt. Graham has its own police force. At one time it was substantial because of the organized opposition to the telescopes by the “green community,” and some Indian tribes. Strictly speaking, they were not actually against the telescopes but against the intrusion into the area. Today, a department of only one or two officers is required to serve the needs of the mountain top.


We couldn’t look through the third telescope on Mt. Graham. Why I hear you ask? Well, that is because it is not an optical telescope. It is a Radio Telescope.

A radio telescope is a specialized antenna and radio receiver used to receive radio waves from radio sources in space. Optical telescopes are the main observing instrument used in traditional astronomy which looks at the light wave spectrum coming from astronomical objects. Radio telescopes are the main observing instrument used in radio astronomy, which is the study of the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by astronomical objects.

Radio telescopes are typically large parabolic (“dish”) antennas similar to those employed in tracking and communicating with satellites, space probes, and Satellite TV. They may be used singly or linked together electronically in an array. Unlike optical telescopes, radio telescopes can be used in the daytime as well as at night. Since astronomical radio sources such as planets, stars, nebulae, and galaxies are very far away, the radio waves coming from them are extremely weak, so radio telescopes require very large antennas to collect enough radio energy and extremely sensitive equipment to enhance them. to avoid electromagnetic interference (EMI) from radio, television, radar, motor vehicles, and other man-made electronic devices radio observatories are preferentially located far from major centers of population. With the advent of the Internet, Radio Telescopes located hundreds or even thousands of miles apart can be linked together. Since my visit to Mt. Graham, a worldwide network of radio telescopes produced the first photo of a black hole. That is a huge milestone in astronomy!

Radio waves from space were first detected by engineer Karl Guthe Jansky in 1932 at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey using an antenna built to study noise in radio receivers. The first radio telescope built to study the stars was a 9-meter parabolic dish constructed by a radio amateur Grote Reber in his back yard in Wheaton, Illinois in 1937. The sky survey he did with it is often considered the beginning of the field of radio astronomy.

The tour lasted several hours, and when it was over my mind was overflowing with facts about the giant windows to the heavens. I was mentally and emotionally drained from the experience. I took several photos and made a video of the experience so I have something to keep the experience fresh for me. Sadly because of the low light in some of the locations, much of the video I took is not suitable for public presentation. However, it does serve as an excellent reference for my time at the LBT and the entire Mt. Graham experience. I would like to know more about the dangers to the planet that are lurking “out there.” What is currently known by only a relatively few people must be shared with all of us.

The Covid-19 Virus has for the time being curtailed public visits to the Mt. Graham Complex. Maybe in late 2021 or 2022, the visits will resume. I am holding out hope for that. I want to return to Mt. Graham to make a proper documentary on the telescopes and the astronomers.


CLICK HERE to go to The Telescopes of Mt. Graham – Part 1

Vaccine Update

I hate it when it looks like we might be winning, but in reality, we might not be winning where it counts. With the announcement of his impending divorce, Bill Gates has opened the door to many related and unrelated virus questions. The revelations about his ancillary activities might overshadow the divorce and take center stage, but when one is super-rich things usually work out in one’s favor.

My original post titled “Funding Taken Away From The Gates Foundation” appears below. My conclusions back then seem to have been slightly altered now. Read what I wrote then read today’s headlines. Bill Gates is one of the protected ones on the planet now. We are not allowed to say that the emperor is not wearing any clothes nor can we say that Bill Gates and what he is doing is something less than wonderful. To do so invites banishment or censorship from one or more social media platforms. Funny how that works.

Archived Post:

It appears that the people finally won one in the courts, and it is a biggie! For years people have been fighting to break free of mandatory vaccines that in many cases have been proven to be responsible for some serious life-altering conditions, especially in very young children. It appears that a small measure of progress has been made toward legally condemning some vaccines. This could lead to the removal of, or the nullification of a few of the draconian laws that require parents to vaccinate their newborn babies, and young children. It might also strike down the need for adults to take vaccines as a condition of employment. Did the people actually win one here? It looks that way, but don’t start doing cartwheels on the lawn quite yet. It will take time and effort to overcome the evil agenda of the Globalists if it is even possible.

UPDATE June 2021:

Around the same time, the coronavirus was released in China, Facebook, Twitter, and Google along with its YouTube subsidiarity joined with other public social media platforms in an organized effort to censor any speech or thinking that did not fit the narrative of those who own and control the platforms. I am speaking of the real owners now and not the figurehead CEOs etc. As a result of this anything that goes against their agenda is forbidden to be publicly shared.

If you click on the “Click Here” link that appears below you will see a classic example of what I am telling you. For years the link connected to this important information was available to all, but not anymore. They removed it so that one cannot see it now.

Censorship is now pervasive in the USA, and in many other parts of the world. The free speech guaranteed by the US Constitution seems to have been superseded now. I read that the same thing is happening in England as well. Actually, England and the USA are common countries separated only by a language.

We now live in a brave new world, and nobody seems to know what will happen next. My feeling is that soon something dramatic will occur to significantly alter life as we have known it. To be sure, that is scary and I hope that my assessment is wrong, but the writing is on the wall.

My belief is based on the fact that the very wealthy among us are making plans to disconnect from what we call normal life. They are preparing island and/or underground living quarters in various locations around the world. I am preparing a comprehensive update on that situation. I will present it in a separate post so that I can go deeper into what is being done.

CLICK HERE to view the YouTube presentation that delivers the good news. If you clicked then you just witnessed censorship in action. This is now happening all over the internet, but now many new platforms are appearing that will never censor anything. Soon all the real news will be available through these outlets.

To be continued…

I am not personally responsible for the content or the execution of any third-party website or third-party presentation.

Vatican astronomers look for extraterrestrials

LUCIFER is helping Vatican astronomers look for extraterrestrials.

A new tower for studying the stars has been erected during the XV year of the reign of John Paul II on this peaceful site so fit for such studies, and it has been equipped with a new large mirror for detecting the faintest glimmers of light from distant objects. May whoever searches here night and day the far reaches of space use it joyfully with the help of God.

The Vatican’s latest, the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Telescope (Now called LUCI)

Posted by: Jason McClellan April 11, 2013 32 Comments

A new book claims that Vatican astronomers are looking for extraterrestrials. And they are using LUCIFER to do it. Although it shares the same name as Christianity’s fallen angel and the personification of evil, LUCIFER is an instrument attached to a telescope.

As Popular Science explains, LUCIFER is an acronym for the instruments lengthy title, “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.” This instrument is attached to the University of Arizona’s Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) located on Mt. Graham in south eastern Arizona. The Vatican-owned Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) is right next door.

According to, authors of a new book assert that Vatican astronomers are using both the VATT and the LBT’s LUCIFER instrument to watch for an alien savior. Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, authors of Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican’s astonishing plan for the arrival of an alien savior, visited with the Jesuit astronomers at the VATT, including Guy Consolmagno.

The authors claim that Consolmagno revealed to them documents showing that the Vatican believes “that we are soon to be visited by an alien savior from another world.”

The authors claim they will back up their assertions with documented sources when their book is released on April 15.

Guy Consolmagno speaks regularly about science and religion. In a 2010 interview, he told The Guardian, “Any entity – no matter how many tentacles it has – has a soul.” He made headlines because of this interview, in which he said he would offer to baptize an extraterrestrial being if one requested.

Consolmagno has also stated that the Pope and the Vatican are keen on science, and they are kept up-to-date on the latest scientific developments by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Drinkable Water


Who is buying up all the water rights in the world?

You may have plenty of good drinkable water where you live, but so many locations do not. Never fear, the profiteers are ready to assist you…for a price of course. In some places, water is now more costly than an equal amount of gasoline. How strange is that? Stories abound about someone, or a group of someone’s controlling the weather to make drought conditions. I have no knowledge of that, so I will just let it be a thought in the wind for now. You can do your own research on that issue if you so desire. However, Were I the evil overlord of the world, I would buy up all the water rights, and then start causing droughts. Sound too far-fetched? Well the Internet is rife with information about this very thing happening right before our eyes, or so it seems. Here are some links that support those suspicions.

Link to Water Barons

Link to Water Grab

Link to Coca Cola Page

Should you care to know more, do a web search for: Who is buying up all the water rights in the world.

It would be a great story if it were simply a case of a benevolent company coming to the rescue, but I wonder if maybe something more sinister is afoot. Maybe you can help clarify this situation, please share your information here.



Classic Jokes

Quick Thinking…

Ron, an elderly man in Australia, had owned a large farm for several years. He had a large pond at the back. It was properly shaped for swimming, so he fixed it up nice with picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some orange and lime trees.

One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn’t been there for a while, and look it over. He grabbed a five-gallon bucket to bring back some fruit.

As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond.

He made the women aware of his presence, and they all went to the deep end. One of the women shouted to him, “We’re not coming out until you leave!”

Ron frowned, and said, “I didn’t come down here to watch you ladies swim naked, or make you get out of the pond naked.” Holding the bucket up, he said: “I’m just here to feed the alligator.”

*** *** ***

A young blond woman went to her doctor complaining of pain. “Where are you hurting?” asked the doctor. “You have to help me, I hurt all over”, said the woman. “What do you mean, all over?” asked the doctor, “be a little more specific.” The woman touched her right knee with her index finger and yelled, “Ow, that hurts.”  Then she touched her left cheek and again yelled, “Ouch! That hurts, too.”  Then she touched her right earlobe, “Ow, even THAT hurts”, she cried. The doctor looked at her thoughtfully for a moment and asked, “Are you a natural blond?” “Why, yes,” she said. “I thought so,” said the doctor, “You have a broken finger.”

*** *** ***

There are three blonds stranded on an island. Suddenly a fairy appears and offers to grant each one of them one wish. The first blond asks to be intelligent. Instantly, she is turned into a brown haired woman and she swims off the island. The next one asks to be even more intelligent than the previous one. So, instantly she is turned into a black haired woman. The black haired woman builds a boat and sails off the island. The third blond asks to become even more intelligent than the previous two. The fairy turns her into a man, and he walks across the bridge.

*** *** ***


I pulled into the crowded parking lot at the local shopping center and rolled down the car windows to make sure my Labrador Retriever Pup had fresh air. She was stretched full-out on the back seat and I wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there.

I walked to the curb backward, pointing my finger at the car and saying emphatically, “Now you stay. Do you hear me?” “Stay! Stay!”

The driver of a nearby car, a pretty young blond, gave me a strange look and said, “Why don’t you just put it in ‘Park’?”

Life Matters

As I grow older, I am more conscious of my health. I am keenly aware that people in my age group are dying at a rate faster than other age groups. Maybe that is normal, but it seems important to be aware of the things that one can do to have a healthier life. However, I suspect that playing with a crocodile is not considered a life-extending activity.

I am not a doctor, nor an alternative medicine health guru, but I know that some of you reading this might fit into one or more of those categories. Consequently, I invite you to share health care tips or testimonials about products that have had a beneficial effect on people’s health. I am looking for testimonials, not commercials, but if a product is commercially available I will consider sharing it here. Your experience with a product, or treatment, is what we need to know.

This was published before the Coronavirus, so it must be read with that in mind

New Concrete Formulation

Hydrogen Bomb

Hydrogen Bomb

A new concrete formulation designed to keep winter surfaces ice-free also has the unexpected benefit of protecting electronics from electromagnetic attack. Developed by scientists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the concrete serves as a shield from pulses of electronic energy that emanate from a nuclear blast and threaten to disable everything from military equipment to TV sets.

The effects of an electromagnetic pulse were first observed in the early 1960s, when a 1.4 megaton thermonuclear bomb detonated in the mid-Pacific knocked out electronics as far away as Hawaii. This confirmed what many had theorized-nuclear explosions generated a powerful pulse of electromagnetic energy that flew invisibly through the air and capable of overloading and frying circuits in all kinds of devices. Despite being nearly 900 miles away, the pulse burned out streetlights across the state of Hawaii and tripped burglar alarms.

For full article, please visit Popular Mechanics

Displayed with permission from The DEFCON Warning System

Dangerous Virus for ALL Humanity


Like most people, I enjoy discovering that I am correct about something, but when I publish a prognostication that comes to pass, I feel quite brilliant as well. It is clear that I got lucky with one of my posts, and as soon as I am finished patting myself on the back I will explain.

Way back in 2016 I posted an article, that at the time caught my attention. It was about, of all things, the possibility, actually the probability that a terrible virus would be unleashed which would infect, most of the world. Back then some people believed that it was inevitable. Suddenly in 2020 along comes Covid-19 appearing as if it were preordained. Apparently it was!

I am a news reporter–not a news-maker, so it is a bit strange that I would have been so strongly drawn to put a story on my website that turned out to be prophetic. With that in mind, read, or reread what I posted in 2016. It predicted the virus we now face in 2020. This is proof that the coronavirus was planned for some time.


For one of my first posts in the Health Matters Section, I decided to scare the heck out of you. I imagine that first starting with something simply too bad to contemplate, would make most of the other health news seem like all good news.

Professor Stephen Hawking, the scientists best known for his theories time, and on the nature of back holes—the ones in space, and also his admonition of us not advertising to the galaxy our presence here on earth, is now speaking out on things so small we can’t see them without a microscope. He contends that a virus could end it all for humanity. Not a pleasant thought!

The following link is not for the faint of heart. It is however good to be aware of what can affect us, so if you are up for it, CLICK HERE, or go back to the main menu, and click on “Humor” instead.

Is it really the Red Planet?

The Red Planet Mars

The Red Planet

I willing to bet that you have seen several photos taken from the surface of Mars. They show the red landscape that we have all come to expect from a red planet, but is it really that red? The US Space Agency, and Hollywood, always shows Mars as being really red, so we take it for granted that mars has red dirt and a reddish atmosphere.   It is no doubt somewhat red, but is it all red? A few years ago, NASA was accused of false coloring the mars photos, and videos to make them look redder. I believe that they did admit that on at least on occasion, they did just that.  That is interesting, but I wonder why?

The European Space Agency (ESA) Lander did not survive, so now we must wait to see something a bit different than the photos from NASA. The photo below may be an artist’s rendering, or a frame from a promotional video, and NOT a real photo. However, it claims to depict Mars, and it is not so red.  I find it all quite interesting.


What Happened to the RED Planet?

Click here to go to the NASA Mars picture website

Is there a Flying Car in your Future?


Experimental Flying Car

Experimental Flying Car

Flying to work is not a new concept.  As you know, cars and planes were invented in the same general time frame, and the melding of the two concepts was envisioned shortly thereafter. It seems that in just about every decade since then, someone has produced a design for a flying car.

In the 1960’s I was young man, with a brand new pilot’s license. Back then there was a flying car that was capturing the imagination of the country.  Thanks to my flight instructor, I was placed high on a list to fly it, but I never did.  A week before it was my turn,  it crashed and killed the inventor.  That was a sad event, but it was lucky for me.  That machine had some design flaws.  Had I taken my turn at the controls, it could have been me that crashed.  That crash proved that there are many challenges to produce a truly safe flying car, and it is why we had to wait several decades to see it finally become a reality.  Happily for many people alive today, the technology has changed. The advent of new technology, computers and strong, but light weight construction materials  has created an environment quite conducive to creating a flying car.

The microprocessor (the computer chip), The Global Positioning System, (GPS,) and light weight, space age materials for the body, have all come together to create the reality of a flying car.  With this new technology the average person finally has a realistic chance of flying to work.  Of course, one must have the money to buy one of these fantastic machines.  The current versions are expensive, but In time the technology will mature, and the price will come down, but the concept is here, and ready for take-off, if you’ll pardon the pun.

In my view, the most successful entry will incorporate the best aspects of drone technology, and traditional aircraft design.  Computers will be used to assist the pilot with flight stability, and navigation. This will allow a buyer to achieve competent flight status in a relatively short period of time.

In the near term, the Federal Aviation Administration is poised to certify more than one of the new breed of flying cars. Once all the obstacles are overcome, the flying car will revolutionize the way we travel. Soon we will look up and see cars mixed in with airplanes, and maybe politicians will be promising a chicken in every pot, and a flying car in every garage.

CLICK HERE to see a video of the various flying cars that exist today.
CLICK HERE to see the future.
CLICK HERE to see a video without annoying voice.