The robots are coming! No wait…they are already here. The true state of robots has advanced more than most people understand. Private industry has moved upward and onward with robots at the speed of a rocket. The possibility of your job going away is now a reality. Many people will lose their jobs, and because of AI, even lawyers are becoming a vanishing breed.
I have spoken with people who even in the face of overwhelming evidence dismiss AI and robotics as science fiction. MARK MY WORDS. Robots are taking over, and will eventually be the dominant “life” force on the planet. That is a given. The only question is when? With the advancements happening in the private sector outside the political process, it is advancing rapidly. No congressional committees or partisan (politically correct) debate to slow it down. In the political arena, the debate is now about a guaranteed basic income for the army of soon-to-be unemployed people. The battle cry now becomes… “Take a human to lunch!”
Maybe like me, you are encouraged by the possibility that robots will assist us. However, there is another alternative. Elon Musk and other lesser-known AI scientists are predicting a less brilliant future. There is a fear that if the young people of today are opting to NOT have children and raise a family to replace the aging population so ensure there will always be young people to attend old people. My personal feeling is that by 2050 our hospitals will be staffed with 90% enhanced Artificially Intelligent robots. They are already assisting in some areas including the discovery of cancer and other illnesses that are hard to detect in the early stages. In 2050 your nurse will attend to you 24/7. She will probably look and act just like a human nurse.
Is the future a positive one or more sinister? What say you?
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