As I grow older, I am more conscious of my health. I am keenly aware that people in my age group are dying at a rate faster than other age groups. Maybe that is normal, but it seems important to be aware of the things that one can do to have a healthier life. However, I suspect that playing with a crocodile is not considered a life-extending activity.
I am not a doctor, nor an alternative medicine health guru, but I know that some of you reading this might fit into one or more of those categories. Consequently, I invite you to share health care tips or testimonials about products that have had a beneficial effect on people’s health. I am looking for testimonials, not commercials, but if a product is commercially available I will consider sharing it here. Your experience with a product, or treatment, is what we need to know.
This was published before the Coronavirus, so it must be read with that in mind.